
Downtown Heritage Perth Newsfeed - for automated News Aggregators only
Stewart Park Music Festival - 2005 - Main Music Stage
Contacts and Credits

Web Site Design and Implementation

CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc. - Multimedia Promotions - Click to visit CSI2000 Website

Cyberspace Industries originally built this site as a informational site to support the permanent promotional display for Perth that used to be in the lobby of the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. It provided over 40,000 unique visitors per year with more information about the four main theme areas in the display.

  • Heritage Town - an authentic lifestyle centre since 1816
  • Large variety of interesting Shops and Restaurants
  • Vibrant Theatre and year round Festivals
  • Year round fun for the entire family

CyberSpace Industries will continue to manage this site as a promotional site primarily for potential visitors interested in Downtown Heritage Perth.

Contact CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc. for all your multimedia promotional needs, and advertising opportunities via this website.


You need more information about Perth Ontario - who're you gonna call?
Downtown Heritage Perth BIA

Downtown Heritage Perth Business Improvement Area (DHPBIA)
Coordinator: Heather Hansgen
The Old Firehall
34 Herriott Street
Email: dhpbia@superaje.com
Websites: Business Improvement Area
New Site

Perth & District Chamber of Commerce Office
34 Herriott St., Old Fire Hall with Hose Tower, beside the Library.
Perth Ontario
K7H 1T2

Call (613) 267-3200
Email: welcome@perthchamber.com
Website: Perth Chamber of Commerce

The Corporation of the Town of Perth
Ms. Shellee R. Evans
Director of Community Services
80 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1H9
Email: sevans@town.perth.on.ca
Tel: (613)267-3770 Fax: (613)267-5635
Website: http://www.town.perth.on.ca

Lanark County Tourism Association
Toll Free (Canada & US) 1-888-452-6275
Phone: (613)267-4200 ext. 145
Email: tourism@county.lanark.on.ca
Website: http://www.lanarkcountytourism.ca/

Other Credits

Web Site Resources

Contributed by CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc.

Web Site Photography

Unless otherwise specified - all photographs courtesy of CyberSpace Industries 2000 Inc.

Other photographs contributed by The Perth Courier, The Perth Chamber of Commerce, The Town of Perth, Daphne Overhill, the Perth Museum and the Perth BIA.

Web Site Technology

This web site conforms to the following international recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium.(W3C)

XHTML 1.0 validator

W3C CSS Validator

CSS concepts from Stu Nicholls' CSS Play

Report errors, problems and omissions to (Webmaster)